
Please complete the following form to create a Team App account and join MTC Fight Squad.

If you already have a Team App account, please log-in now.


New User Account

Member Details

Custom added membership fields

This is your Australian Taekwondo membership number. It is the same as your old TA or STA membership number

This is your Global Athlete License number

This is your kukkiwon certificate number

The date of your last kukkiwon certificate

This is the last kukkiwon certificate received by you

This is your black belt level if it is different from your last kukkiwon certificate

This is to enable direct contact with you if necessary

This is to enable contact with a primary care giver, parent or guardian

Specify any food or other allergies

In the event we cannot contact the primary emergency contact person

Secondary emergency contact relationship to the athlete

Ambulance cover
Private health insurance

Please specify which health insurance fund you are with

Working With Children Card